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My Haikus Created While Hiking (Hikoos)

Poetry inspired by nature while hiking

00:00 / 00:09


Fiddleheads on stage

Stomp to the beat of springtime

Violets square dance

Peepers Call
00:00 / 00:11

Peepers Call

Spring peepers call out

Vernal forest pool beckons 

Meet up for hot love

Cherry Blossums
00:00 / 00:11

        Cherry Blossoms 

    Faint scent of cherry

Pink white blossoms soon will fall

  Temporal treasure

Reason To Pause
00:00 / 00:12

Reason To Pause 

Black bear crosses trail

Long pause when large paws are close

Adrenaline rush

And More Hikoos...

Red wing black bird flies/Impossible to mimic/Beauty on the wing

Like at fourteen years/Wandering the woods alone/Feeling sixty-six

Last autumn's beech leaf/Circles in a gusty wind/Then rests on white snow

Winter's last hurrah/Vernal equinox blessing/Crocus peeks thru white

Rhythm of poles/ Treading forward through white/ Arms pump like clockwork

Spring peepers call out/ Chilly vernal pool beckons/ Meet up for hot sex

Samurai on ice/Blades and stick your weapons/Vassal to no one

Ancient bent elbow/Forgotten native marker/Point me to water

White tail alarm/Bound away into the brush/Silently vanish

Boot track in snow/Snow fleas in sunny mosh pit/Dance, dance, dance til dusk

Flooded springtime trail/Wood frog poolside gathering/Croaking love chorus

We are all hopping/Tiny toad horde jump on trail/I hop over them

Summer in the woods/ Canopy contains the heat/ Hot sweet blueberries

Ants scramble in path/Deer flies buzzes around my head/ Mosquitoes taunt

Milkweed in flower/ Amazing sweet summer scent/ Monarch nectar

Hushed snow hike/ Silently thinking haikus/ Contemplating life

Trunk leans on another/ Groaning when the wind blows/ Mocking as I pass

Trunk leans on another/ Low groan when the wind blows/ Foreshadows my end

Tick tock on my leg/ Sharp pincers deep in my flesh/ Time for you to go

Different species/ Turn taking at the feeder/ Birds sharing plenty

Spring peepers call out/ Frantic search for a lover/ They hush as we near


Young leaves unfurl/ Lady slippers soon appear/Dance for me again

Fiddles heads on stage/ Ho down spring performance/ Peepers sing in tune

Green mossy carpet/ Many textures spring forth/ Tread lightly on thee

Pink petals float down/ Rollout the floral carpet/ Mother's Day welcome

Single slipper found/ Hidden orchid on the trail/ Mother's Day reveal

Colors on blacktop/ Painted leaved across paving/ Sunset lumens

Thumping hiking boots/ Snake wriggles through leaf litter/ Seeks safe hidey hole

Backlit trees at dawn/ Gobblers descend from high limbs/ Solemn march till dusk

Spring wash now stagnant/ Yet snaking egg strand breeds life/ Whiptail toad poles dance

Lost: Deep in the shade/ And blooming each Mother's Day/ Found: Lady's slipper

Orange to ocher/ Elfs march after June rain/ Careful where you trod

Quaking sound of leaves/ Gurgling winter brook/ My private concert

Sunshine brings you out/ My dance and pheromones lure/ Flee with me my flea

Fresh tracks in the snow/ Turkey, fox, coyotes and bear/ Mid-winter hunger

Boot track gathering/ Springtails jump and jive in the sun/ Eat, drink, be merry

Elements of change/ Witch's brew ingredient/ Sacred gold glimmer

Close Your Eyes Betty...

Rain pounds on skylight/ Lovers under covers kiss/ Rain and hearts beating

Kisses wet and warm/ Rain patters on the skylight/ Snug under covers

Fortress like nightgown/ Impenetrable flannel/ Lone sapper digs down

Deity of life/ Lust's intermediary/ She, the enigma

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